Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shark Radio Recap

Hello Loyal Shark Fans! Have you ever been sitting there reading our blog and thought, "Gee, those Sharkadina guys sure write a halfway decent blog, but I just wish I knew what their voices sounded like?"  Probably not. But now you can hear us anyway! Just click on the player below or visit this page to hear Terry and I on the Matt Dahl Radio Show. We aren't on until the second hour, so feel free to fast forward to the 65 minute mark (or listen to the whole broadcast if you want).

Listen to internet radio with Matt Dahl on Blog Talk Radio
Highlights include:
  • Stories about us meeting Roger Bernadina
  • Thoughts on other Nats "superfans"
  • Trying to nickname Craig Stammen ('Stammen't Mixer?)
  • Our "expert" analysis on the Washington Nationals so far and for the rest of the season.
  • ricK anKiel jabs
  • And much more...please listen to our segment!
I have to say, we had a ton of fun being on the show and even though it was a little rocky at the start (get beyond Terry saying, "I have nothing to say"), I think it turned out really well. We also promised the hosts Shark hoods, so we will be making more soon! We may even have some at Sharkadina Night if you're lucky.

While we were on air the Nats were beating the Padres and even though The Shark didn't have the best game (0-4 with a walk), as we said on the radio show, we can always make it sound like he did! So, Bernadina highlights include: being intentionally walked in the 2nd inning (pitcher was mortally terrified of facing of him) and...patrolling left field and hunting down many a fly ball.  Way to go Shark!

The Nats are 14-4 and have the best record in the NL!  Is it all because of the Shark? Yes.

More to come.

1 comment:

  1. You guys were great! People were listening all over the country, sharktastic!
