As Tyler mentioned yesterday, this has been a big week for getting random Shark and Bernadina themed stuff (there is really no better word to describe it). Firstly, as we mentioned last week, in a stunning and incredible turn of events, we randomly bought a couple 2012 Topps Roger Bernadina baseball cards...
In case you haven't seen the card yet, please read below:
As you will see, THE BACK OF THE CARD TALKS ALMOST ENTIRELY ABOUT THE SHARK NICKNAME. As you will also see, OUR WEBSITE IS ON THE BACK OF A BASEBALL CARD. We've had some awesome stuff happen to us, but I think this definitely ranks in the top 3...
Then, as you do with anything you get excited about, we bought as many as we could get our hands on...
These will be worth millions when the Shark gets inducted into the Hall. |
Now, at baseball games, Tyler and I don't have to fumble over our words trying to explain (and spell) how to find or contact Sharkadina. SHARK YEAH!
Then, as you do with anything you get excited about, we bought as many as we could get our hands on...
These will be worth billions when the Shark gets inducted into the Hall. |
In Other News:
We reached 1000 followers on Twitter (only a few days too late to get us to shave sharks into our attempt, 1500 by the playoffs)!
We broke the 300 likes mark on Facebook!
We broke the 100,000 pageviews mark on Blogger.
We finally have 2 real life friends (just to clear up the confusion, Tyler and Terry have no idea who these guys are. Terry just googled "two random shark guys")
More to come.